Tag - Dog Health

Stop Feeding Cancer To Your Pup

If I was given a penny, every time a member asked me for nutritional advice for their fur baby, The Bichon Frisé Rescue Centre of Northern New Jersey http://www.bichonrescuenj.com/ would be delighted with The Bichon Family’s annual donation.

Questions like:-

      “Should I feed my pup supermarket dog food?”

      “What about premium or natural dog food?”

      “Why has my fur baby got bad breath?”

      “Why does my Molly have an unpleasant odour?”

      “Why is my Bobby continually shedding and why has he lost his soft, shiny coat?”

      “My fur baby has been diagnosed with cancer and my vet has said it’s been caused by the food I’ve been feeding her…”

Ryan Alarid tells a very moving story about RoRo, who died of a brain tumour that caused her seizures, loss of muscle, drastic weight loss and pain.

I don’t want, or need to paraphrase Ryan’s story, so please click the image of RoRo below, and learn from Ryan’s article, so that you don’t make the same mistakes with your best friend.

ps: Details of our promotions can be found in the Blog Posts and/or the Shop on this website!