Health of the Bichons

facts that you need to know


The Bolognese has a playful character – very small, with fur that needs daily attention. Breed experts say that Bolognese needs to be combed thoroughly on a daily basis. Light brushing is not enough and will result in matting.

Known Health issues with the Bolognese

  • Heart disease: Patent ductus arteriosus (duct between aorta and pulmonary artery fails to close, resulting in a murmur)
  • Portosystemic shunt (an abnormality of the blood circulation, resulting in blood from the heart bypassing the liver and entering the general circulation)
  • Immune mediated haemolytic anaemia
  • Patella luxation (dislocated kneecap)
  • Deafness
  • Diabetes (type 1 diabetes mellitus)
  • Urolithiasis (formation of stones in the urinary system)
  • Primary ciliary dyskinesia (respiratory disease)
  • Haemophilia (blood clotting disease)
  • Episodic cerebellar dysfunction (neurological disease)
  • Cancer: basal cell tumors